

April 2016

Story Acceptance from North American Review.

America’s oldest literary magazine, The North American Review, has recently accepted my short story “Mudface” for publication!

After working on my novel for two years, I’ve begun putting together a second collection of stories, and this piece is one of them. I’m excited to be joining such a prestigious list of authors who have been published in this magazine.

Big thanks as usual to those who provided valuable feedback on “Mudface.” They know who they are.

Master Fiction Class at GrubStreet.

I’m excited to be teaching another Master Fiction workshop at GrubStreet this summer. 

The deadline for applications is May 26th!


New Story in Southern Humanities Review

Happy to have a short story, titled “The Comforter,” in the latest issue of Southern Humanities Review!

Some great authors and poets also have work in it, including Kirstin Valdez Quade, Natalie Diaz, Jericho Brown, and Rachel Eliza Griffiths.

I originally workshopped this piece, which is set in Cuba, during my MFA years, and I’m grateful to all the people who offered helpful feedback to make it the story it is today.

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