

November 2018

Publisher For My Novel!

Now that it’s official, I can finally make it public: my novel, The Playwright’s House, will be published by Red Hen Press! More details are forthcoming, but for now I wanted to thank Artem, Alina, and Jonathan, who read and generously gave crucial feedback on earlier drafts of the manuscript, and to everyone who has offered support and encouragement the last few years. The folks at Red Hen believe the novel can reach a national and international audience, and I’m excited to work with them to make that happen. This book, which is set in Cuba and deals with art, politics, journalism, religion, and family ties, has been through quite a journey, and I couldn’t be happier that it has finally found a good home.

Oh, and here’s some advance praise for the novel:

The Playwright’s House is a bighearted novel, intricately embedded in the politics and daily life of contemporary Cuba. It is also a family story of love, sibling rivalry, courage, and redemption. Suarez writes with energy, exuberance, and psychological acuity. The straightforward prose adds gravity and earnestness to what is undoubtedly a remarkable novel.”

—  Ha Jin, National Book Award winner and author of War Trash

Miami Book Fair Reading

I’m really excited to be joining Adrian Todd Zuniga and Laura Valeri for a reading and panel discussion on our respective story collections at the Miami Book Fair this Saturday, November 17th, 12:30pm!

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